If you need some support urgently, please visit our emergency contact information page here.

If your query related to Occupational Health, please speak to your manager in the first instance. They can help you access support from Occupational Health by making a referral on the Occupational Health Portal.

Useful contacts

Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) – a free and confidential helpline staffed 24/7, 365 days a year

There are answers to most queries on the People Portal. You will need access to the intranet order view those pages.
If you do not have a JLR laptop, click here for instructions on how to sign in.

On the People Portal, you can find out about a range of health and wellbeing services, including:

If you have a query about an Occupational Health referral or appointment, or task-specific medicals, please contact You can also find out more about Occupational Health here.

For all other queries, please raise a ticket by emailing HR Direct.